Inturist 3*
Hotel «Inturist» 3*
Adress: Velikaya str, 16
Phone: +7 (8162) 775089
Number of rooms/floors: 118/3
City Centre: 0 km
Price for 2014 year.
Breakfast 300 rubles.
Room type |
validity period of prices |
term cancellations |
single |
Double |
Standard SGL |
01.01.2014 — 30.09.2014 |
2 days |
1750 |
Standard dbl |
1900 |
2600 |
Standard twin |
1900 |
2600 |
Comfort dbl |
2350 |
2750 |
Junior Suite |
3350 |
3800 |
Suite |
3900 |
4300 |
Apartment |
6200 |
6500 |