The Kunstkamera

The Kunstkamera

The Kunstkamera (also known as the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography) it is old white-green building situated at the bank of the Neva river. As you can see from the whole name, the first Russia emperor — Peter the Great, founded Kunstkamera. Who also founded new capital of the country — St. Petersburgh.

Legend say that when Peter was alive every man, who will visit Kunstkamera will receive cup with vodka. In this way emperor intended to teach people to the knowledges.

Therefore, now you can visit Kunstkamera like one of the most interesting museums of Northern Capital of Russia. There many artifacts from unknown regions of Russia.

Tour for students «Amazing St. — Petersburg»

The Kunstkamera
The Kunstkamera (also known as the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography) it is old white-green building situated at the bank of the Neva river.
Universitetskaya nab., 3, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034

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